This is the reason the Comrade Dare to Help beat upTNI Members

BuletinDigital. Dirkrimum Polda Metro Jaya Sr. Comr. Roycke Harry Langie said the condition of Iwan Hutapea, one of the suspects for beating TNI members Captain Komaruddin and TNI member Pratu Rivonanda, on Monday in Ciracas, East Jakarta.

Roycke revealed Iwan during the beating incident in the influence of liquor. Unlike the other suspects, four other people, Suci Ramdhani (SR), Depi, Agus Pryantara (AP), Heriyanto Pandjaitan (HP), were not under the influence of liquor.

"Indeed, there was one suspect affected by liquor during the incident, the initials I (Iwan).
(The suspect) according to the results of the examination under normal conditions (not affected by liquor), "Roycke said at the Metro Jaya Regional Police Headquarters, South Jakarta, Friday.

In addition, the suspects also dared to gang up on Captain Komaruddin who was in TNI uniform, because of the existence of mass psychological factors.
The mass psychological factor is because the perpetrators beat up a friend who quarreled and helped.

"If there is a connection with the beating, this is mass psychology, the suspects see their friends (bickering) and then take action together," he said.

The incident began when a Navy member Captain Komaruddin and his son finished repairing his motorcycle.

Captain Komaruddin then planned to eat at a shop next to the Arundina minimarket.

When going to park, it is known that the Komaruddin exhaust motorbike is smoky.
Seeing this, he then went down to check the engine parts of the motorbike.
One of the pasrkir interpreters, then shifted Komaruddin's motorbike without his knowledge.
This made Komaruddin's head hit by a motorbike.

This was justified by the East Jakarta Police Chief, Pol. Yoyon Tony, Tuesday.

He then explained that Komaruddin intended to reprimand the parking attendant.

But apparently the parking attendant did not accept it.

"Captain Komaruddin rebuked the parking attendant. However, he (the parking attendant) did not accept it until there was a quarrel which invited the attention of other parking attendants to gang up on Captain Komarudin," he explained.

When the beating took place, another TNI member happened to be passing by.
He is the Pratu Rivonanda Army

Intending to help Komaruddin and break up the dispute, Rivonanda actually was beaten by a number of parking attendants totaling seven to nine people.

"Because they saw the number of parking attendants exceeding their numbers, Pratu Rivo secured Captain Komaruddin and his son to the Youth Barracks Paspampres KPAD Cibubur by riding a motorcycle," Tony explained.

After successfully escaping from the parking attendant's tantrums, Komaruddin and Rivonanda also intended to find the perpetrators of the beating into the neighborhood around the location.
"During the search, they found Agus (Agus Pryantara), one of the perpetrators who participated in the gang and was immediately secured to the Ciracas Police Station," he said.

Triggered by dissatisfaction with the handling of the beating case triggered protests which led to the destruction and burning of Mapolsek Ciracas, East Jakarta Metro Police, by a group of people suspected of being TNI personnel.

Initially, in 5 perpetrators of beatings, 1 of the perpetrators had been caught first, namely Agus, while 4 others were at large.
The estimated number of 200 people, on Tuesday, at 22.00 WIB, came to a number of locations to look for perpetrators of beatings.

Namely the Pancasila Youth Organizations Headquarters, Jalan Hankam, Cipayung District, East Jakarta.
The mob carried out the destruction of the headquarters, until the beating of members of the Pancasila Youth organization named Y.

Then the mob also went to the house of Iwan Hutapea (IH) and carried out vandalism, at 10:30 a.m. WIB.

Also not finding Iwan, the mob came to Ciracas Police Station, East Jakarta and did anarchism.

The arrival of hundreds of masses was to see the condition of the perpetrators who had hit their friends.
"A crowd of around 200 people crept in to check whether it was true that the one who beat their colleague had been arrested,"

The masses who carried out anarchic acts, one of which burned a number of vehicles parked in the Ciracas police station, also injured a number of residents, members of the police including the Ciracas police chief, and two journalists.

Responding to this, the police hunted down the perpetrators of beating up TNI members who triggered this incident.
And on Friday, the five perpetrators were successfully secured.


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