Eyewitness Tells of the Chronology of the Amblesides of Jalan Gubeng Surabaya, Sounds of Explosion and Rumbling

PojokWarta. News about the chronology of Jalan Gubeng Surabaya subsidence is still being sought by many people.
According to various sources, the chronology of Jalan Gubeng Surabaya collapsed due to the wrong construction of the construction.

In addition, in the chronology of Jalan Gubeng Surabaya the news collapsed, the seconds were recorded and the testimony of residents about the incident.

As we know, on Tuesday some of the sides of Jalan Gubeng Surabaya suddenly collapsed.
This event certainly surprised many parties.
Including residents and motorists who were about to pass the scene.

According to the Tribune of East Java, some of the Gubeng Roads are exactly 50 meters long and 10 meters deep sinks inside.
The size of the sinking area makes people around panic and fear what happens.

So what is the chronology of Jalan Gubeng Surabaya's ambles?
according to eyewitnesses who were at the crime scene, Ali Topan, he heard a loud thud.

The boom was then followed by the ambush of Jalan Gubeng.
The road suddenly collapsed and gaped like a big hole.

Not only roads, buildings near the crime scene also collapsed just after the incident.

"I heard that there was a loud thud, bro," Ali said.

When asked about the time of the incident, Ali explained that the road subsidence occurred around 9:00 p.m.
"It happened around nine o'clock more, there was a crackling sound like that. Then about five minutes after that glodak the road immediately collapsed," he said.

Not only a bang, Ali even heard a roar like an earthquake.

"Before sinking, I felt an earthquake and a thunderous sound," Ali said as quoted by Kompas.com.

The residents who were at the crime scene immediately approached and recorded the incident there.

After the news circulated widely and was widely discussed, the authorities immediately gave their clarification. Reporting from Kompas TV, Deputy Mayor of Surabaya, Wishnu Sakti gave an explanation regarding the causes of the road subsidence.

According to Vishnu, this incident was caused by the wrong construction project of the Siloam Hospital basement.

The basement foundation which leads to Gubeng Road should be circular.
However, this was not done until finally Jalan Gubeng became sinking.

In fact, the government has warned and gave a warning regarding the fault of the barrier foundation.
Not only the deputy mayor, BNPM Public Relations via his Twitter (19/20/2018) also gave his official statement regarding the road subsidence.

Sutopo explained that the sinking of this road was purely because the excavation walls were not strong enough to withstand the load, not because of the Surabaya Waru earthquake or fault.
He also added some recent portraits of the collapsed Jalan Gubeng Surabaya.


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